Standards for RTO's

Quality assessment practices and judgements are the linchpin upon which the whole VET system relies. If RTOs are not making quality assessment decisions the reputation of the VET system is called into question.

Validation is the quality review of the assessment process.

It is a critical part of your RTO’s continuous improvement process and a requirement of the Standards for RTOs 2015 and the AQTF.

Validation services:

  • Independent validation of TAE training products
  • Validation of assessment practices, tools and judgements (all other training products)
  • Coaching staff to implement changes recommended by validation activities
  • Develop your RTOs validation plan in compliance with the Standards for RTOs 2015
  • Professional development for your trainers and assessors in validation and assessment practice
  • Internal audit of your RTO in relation to validation practices (Standards for RTOs 2015 clauses 1.9-1.11 or AQTF Standard 1.5)