Student Centred Auditing Rto

Student – Centred Auditing – what does it mean for RTOs?

ASQA has recently introduced a new audit model that focuses on the student journey with their RTO. This new audit model is a big shake up in the audit approach, but from the RTO point of view, there is nothing really that you need change in order to be ready for the new audit model. It is really business as usual for RTOs, maintaining quality training and assessment and compliance with all standards at all times.

The main impacts for the RTO of the new audit model are:

  • You will be asked to supply student contact details so ASQA can conduct Student Surveys prior to the audit. Surveys are administered in a written format, online, and the results of the surveys will be used to inform the scope of the audit
  • The auditor will be keen to speak to students during the audit process (at the site audit and possibly after the audit)
  • If non-compliances are identified, the RTO is required to assess the impact of the non-compliance on current and past students, explain how you will redress or fix the impact and carry out the remedial action.

The requirement for RTO to assess the impact of non-compliance and carry out remedial action is arguably the biggest change to the regulatory environment for RTOs that we have seen for many years. This change may see you re-assessing past students or offering refunds to students who were not fully informed during the enrolment process. See ASQA’s Fact Sheet on Addressing Non-Compliances Following Audit for more information.

The clauses from the Standards for RTOs 2015 that ASQA will review as part of your re-registration audit have changed under the Student –Centred Model. This does not mean that those clauses that are not automatically included such as, clauses 1.09-1.11 (Validation) and 1.5-1.6 (industry engagement), are no longer important. They are! The audit process samples only some clauses, but RTOs are always expected to be compliant with ALL clauses ALL the time.

The Student-Centred Model puts the focus right back where it should be by asking: is the student getting quality education, making informed choices, being supported in their learning, getting the skills and knowledge they need to support their vocational ambitions and meet industry needs?